Sunday, May 30, 2010


This TVC for Samsung made me laugh, i'm probably a sucker for lame humour etc. so i thought this was hilarious, you'll have to look for your selve and decide. Even though the ad could have been better produced it still manges to get the message acros. Looking at the usual Samsung advertising, this is nothing like it.

The whole ad is all about the hidden truths no one new before 3D TV. It makes fun of a wide array of classic pieces of art. This tactic i believe is used to engage a younger target audience that probably wouldn't be interested in art. By turning something so static and old into something new and exciting shedding a different light on the Mona Lisa... enjoy.


YouTube - Samsung: Leonardo da Vinchi in 3D . (n.d.).YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

Samsung: Leonardo da Vinchi in 3D | Ads of the World.Ads of the World | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

AMSUNG New Zealand - Main. (n.d.). SAMSUNG United States - Main. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

We care because our name's on it

This series of TVC's for Warburns Bread i thought were pretty funny, with their use of over execrating the proces of a loaf of bread getting burned and the dramatic delivery of bread.
They decided to use a more vintage old look to portray the history of this bakers family. The ad's are set in a period of war using a hero to star in these parody type adverts.

The hero in this case is the delivery man dressed up as a soldier going to war, accompanied by dramatic music the character inspects the troops before heading out for the delivery of bread.
I wonder if the name of the company had anything to do when it came to inspiration "WARburtons". I like the ads as they are well executed and produced, and entertaining to watch.


Warburtons Family Bakers. (n.d.). Home - Warburtons Family Bakers. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

RKCR. (n.d.). RKCR. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

Warburtons Bread: Burnt loaf | Ads of the World. Ads of the World | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

YouTube - Warburtons 'We Care' advert. (n.d.).YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

YouTube - Warburtons Bread- Burnt loaf. (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

Toxic Brainstorming

I thought this TVC gives a nice different angle on the "quit smoking" campaign everyone is trying to master these days, advertising agencies the world over are trying to figure out a clever way to get people of the cigarettes.

Check out this ad, i think they did a nice job:

The story line was the first thing that got me hooked, it's intriguing and i wasn't 100% sure where they tried to go with it, touching the subject of dumping of waste which has been going on in the world for a while and is slightly controversial.
What are your opinions, how do you think this TVS ads up against some of the stop smoking campaigns that have been running in NZ. The NZ ads seem to have gone the opposite direction trying to make not smoking a "cool" thing by getting "celebrities" and tv personalities to endorse it.


" YouTube - Non-smokers Rights- Toxic Brainstorming- Ads of the World ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"BDDP & Fils." BDDP & Fils. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"D.N.F. (Non-smokers Rights): Toxic Brainstorming | Ads of the World." Ads of the World | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Endangered Potatoes

Surfing the web looking for something interesting to blog about; i stumbled upon this beautifull well designed and clever ad:

I think this is a very well crafted ad about a serious subject yet entertaining and funny.
The ad itselve is about and against a new law lobbied into existence by major Co-ops in Canada forcing small local farmers out of business.
The idea of having an endangered species illustrated onto a simple potatoe sends a powerfull message of which the viewer can grasp the concept emidiatly.
Reading into the story a bit more it almost feels like this is "guerilla" advertising; battling the giant corporations put in power by money and greed. I love the concept and the way the typography is set. The use of a more organic feel to the whole piece ads to idea of supporting local produce some of it being free range and organic, it could picture a table cloth on one of the stalls at the farmers market used to showcase their produce. I also have to admit that even the emboss on the type works very well with the organic feel of the background. The simple color sceme also really ads to the impact for the main illustration and still manges to bring out the text. The ads where designed by Chuck Phillips from Cocoon.


" The Potato Coaltion of Manitoba." The Potato Coaltion of Manitoba. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Crampton, Eric. "Offsetting Behaviour: Manitoba potatoes - again! [updated 2]." Offsetting Behaviour. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"The Potato Coalition Of Manitoba: Panda | Ads of the World." Ads of the World | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Human energy...

So i watch a bit of BBC late at night when i can't fall asleep and among interesting world news and programs they also seem to be the place where massive companies advertise their brand.
One of those being Chevron Corporation. If you watch a BBC you will most definitely understand the tone of voice most of the ads on the program use; you could best describe it as the "you can really, really trust us" kinda voice accompanied by a piano. This made me think: "what's going on, what are they hiding or why are they trying to reinstall and maintain trust among people that; well lets face it don't have much to do with the oil industry on that level". After doing a bit of research and looking into the history on Chevron it became clear to me that they did't have the cleanest record and yes indeed could benefit from cheesy advertising with the "thrust-worthy voice" overlay.

Here is the TVC in question, later i will show you some parodies which show what people really think.

So this ad for a major oil company talks about renewable thermal energy which Chevron also produces, it installs trust and tries to educate the viewer that in fact Chevron has the solution to the problem which is oil.
You might think "hey why don't they just advertise petrol stations and services..." well that wouldn't be a smart move on their behalve as right now they are battling a 27 billion dollar lawsuit for some "accidents" that might have happened in the past. The spotlight is on BP at the moment for their little oil slip up, so this calls for an ideal time for Chevron to become the popular kid in class.
The ad diverts you from the real issues and makes you focus on the good side of the company. Brilliant.

Here is a slightly edited version of one of their similar ads:

I thought the above clip is a strong view one a company which is so controversial.

Here is an other one of their ads, they're all quiet similar and all try to educate us...

And while browsing Chevron's YouTube channel i came across a video about a project called "Blind Faith" which i thought was kinda ironic putting it in todays perspective.

Chevron has also set up a slick website called "will you join us" trying to enforce their view on renewable energy, if they're being genuine or just trying to fool us all; i don't know but do make up your own opinion and let me know what you think.

To understand the whole advertising strategy better you might be interested in watching the documentary "Crude" and do some reading about the Chevron history, i'm not gonna go into detail because that would just lead us fo the beaten track...


"YouTube - Renewable Energy - Chevron Human Energy Advertising." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Advertising Chevron Exxon essay - 13210." Sample essay database - essay help, samples, reference papers for students. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Chevron Corporation Home - Human Energy." Chevron Corporation Home - Human Energy . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

" CRUDE: A Joe Berlinger Film." CRUDE: A Joe Berlinger Film. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Chevron -" Chevron - N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Chevron Corporation." Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Chevron and energy advertising - Better late than never -" N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Crude. Dir. Joe Berlinger. Perf. Pablo Fajardo, Luis Yanza, Steven Donziger. First Run Features, 2009. DVD.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The lost sock...

I felt like i had to do a post about this great advertising campaign by Fisher and Paykel and Colenso BBDO (who we've talked about in an earlier post on the fresh up ad)
You might have been aware that this campaign has been going for a while now with a huge array of different types of media outlets. The whole thing started on your tv, and than moved to the web targeting Facebook users and a website just for the ad where user could get a free pair of sock. One had to take a picture of their sock of which one was missing, it then when trough a "sock search engine" of course bringing up no result, giving an apology to the user and offering a free pair of socks on the house. Brilliant; don't you think?
Have a look at the lost sock website here and maybe even reclaim your lost pair... it's seriously cool and well done, just look at the flash intro which features a washing machine spinning around while you wait for the site to load.

The ad is more than just a cool TVC; it's reinsuring new zealanders that they are to be trusted, and are the top brand to buy. When you watch the TVC the old scientist runs you trough the history of Fisher and Paykel (very briefly that is) making an emotional connecting with the viewer (New Zealanders are suckers for everything KIWI). I believe this ad comes at a good time when the company is making huge losses, moved most of their production to China, and started to lose the audience trust.
The brands damage among the Kiwi public is inevitable but i believe this is probably their way of trying to redeem themselves...
Here's the TVC:

Agency: Colenso BBDO
Production Company: Automatic Films
Director : Mike Oldershaw
Aaron Turk (Digital creative)
Nick Worthington (Executive Creative Director)
Josh Lancaster (Art Director)
Jamie Hitchcock (Copywriter)
Johnny Blick (Producer)
Rob Marsh (DoP)
Nigel Sutton (Agency Producer)
Digipost (Post production)
Tim Mauger (Editor)
Phila Lagaluga (Designer)
Liquid Studios (Music + Sound Production)
Scott Coldham (Senior Account Director)
Sally Willis (Account manager)


3 news. "" N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Nz Herald. "Fisher & Paykel move 'damages iconic brand' - National - NZ Herald News." NZ Herald: New Zealand's Latest News, Business, Sport, Weather, Travel, Technology, Entertainment, Politics, Finance, Health, Environment and Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"ColensoBBDO." ColensoBBDO. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2010.

"Creative Living - Fisher & Paykel Appliances." Creative Living - Fisher & Paykel Appliances. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Fisher & Paykel - Lost My Sock." Fisher & Paykel - Lost My Sock. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Fisher & Paykel - Lost Socks - (2010) :30 commercials |" | all the adnews not fit to print. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Take your relationship a step backwards

I found this funny ad campaign for Tzabar while browsing ads of the world, it's a grueling image
of the couple no couples want to be (if you know what i mean).
Have a look:

This campaign features some common scenarios in which a lot of people find them selve at one stage during their relationship.
This campaign relies on people recognizing themselves and being able to admit that; "yeah thats us" to sell their product which are "romantic getaways"

After years together couples might find themselves getting... well too comfortable with each other and find that they're doing things that shouldn't be done in front of your partner.
I like the way the photos have been composed using bland colors to display a dull relationship that has lost its spark sometime ago. Every picture also focuses on both parties doing something different, not engaging with each other; as if the other person wasn't there.
The text bubble advertising the "romantic getaways" i find is just a bit to small and loses its presents in the photographs, i'm guessing they're relying on viewers curiosity to take a closer look which worked for me. But what do you think, would you get angry, upset and even repulsed if you saw the ad and you realized you where one of those people?

The ad is created by an Israeli agency ACW Grey who also have a pretty slick website, you should check out their client page it's very nicely done in flash. Have a look here.
Executive Creative Director: Yonatan Stirin
Creative Director: Shani Gershi
Copywriters: Inbal Barak, Shani Gershi
Art Director: Shani Gershi
Account Manager: Dani Brande
Account Superviser: Sarit Sternhell
Agency Producers: Chaguy Eshel, Nurit Rimon
Photographer: Yaron Yitzhakov


Amorous Nose-Picking - Tzabar Travel Agency Print Campaign Wants to Bring Back the Romance (GALLERY). (n.d.).TREND HUNTER - #1 in Trends - Fashion Trends, Technology, Style, Design, Pop Culture and Marketing. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from

GREY Group. (n.d.). GREY Group. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from

Tzabar Travel Agency: Bath | Ads of the World. Ads of the World | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from

Thirst is creepy...

Ok, so what's up with this new Fresh Up ad? It's weird! If only you let your imagination run wild when watching it you'll end up with a not so pretty picture.
In saying that, is thirst creepy, what do you think?
I feel like even though i don't like the ad they have done a good job getting my attention.
Have a look for your selve:

In my opinion Fresh Up is responsible for a lot of slightly annoying quirky ads which just stick with you, yet dont make me buy their product...
Maybe it's the whole color sceme they use, dirty greens and browns it just reminds me of those hill-billies you see in movies like "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" and "The Hills Have Eyes". Why would i want to buy a juice that reminds me of those movies?
The ad is produced by one of New Zealands most talented agencies Colenso BBDO who recently made the Fisher and Paykel ads about the missing sock and also produced the symphonia ad for Vodafone. Both ads mentioned are in my opinion brilliant; the fresh up ad...not so, and apparently there is a whole series to come!
Their is also an interactive website on which you can "creep out your mouth" what this has to do with fruit juice... i don't know. People get the chance to upload a photo of them selve onto the page and "creep it out", it's silly but sure will give people a lasting memory.


Fresh Up | Thirst is Creepy | New Zealand - Media. (2010, December 5). Advertising, Marketing, Media, PR News and more - Media. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

ColensoBBDO. (n.d.).ColensoBBDO. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

Thirst is creepy. (n.d.). Thirst is creepy. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

YouTube - Thirst is Creepy . (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Write the future:

Im sure most of you have seen the new Nike campaign called "write the future", which even before it official launch date leaked and went viral ahead of the world cup. The link wasn't meant to be public yet, but someone found it and since it has exploded on the internet with almost 10 million views on Youtube. The ad is of course star-studded with some of the big names in football including: Rooney, Ronaldo, Ribery, Didier Drogba and Homer Simpson an is pretty amazing in my opinion, striking all the right cords from the striking visuals, sounds and roaring crowds in the background.
The ad features all players experiencing glory and failure, therefore writing and re-writing the future with the faith of the whole country and their future depending on it. With a good story line as its backbone, this ad is one of the best i've seen in a while
The ad has got some funny bits and pieces and really captures the emotions and enthusiasm of the fans really well.
The ad was developed at Wieden+Kennedy in the Nederlands, who in collaboration with some very tallented camera people 3D artist and others managed to create a stunning ad. An interesting fact about this company and Nike is that they have worked together in the past, to be precise October 1982. Wieden+Kennedy who formed in Portland also made Nike's first Television ad which aired during the New York Marathon that year.
Check it out the 2010 and let me know what you think of it.

On the other hand, Stephen Armstrong from The Guardian has a completely different opinion about the whole thing, saying: "Nike's new World Cup ad is a mini epic, but the bizarre sight of a dejected Wayne Rooney with a beard is just one of the many things that are wrong with it". I don't particularly agree with his view, especially with some of the facts he puts forward about Nike imitating Adidas (which is not entirely true i believe). I will stop ranting on about it now so you can make up your own mind, but do have a look at his article.

YouTube - NIKE FOOTBALL WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION . (n.d.).YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

Armstrong, S. (n.d.). How could Nike get its World Cup ad so wrong? | Football | The Guardian . Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian | . Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

Goldman, Papson, R. S. (1998). Nike Culture- The Sign of the Swoosh. London: Sage Publcation ltd.

Nike Write the Future Full Version | The Inspiration Room. (n.d.). The Inspiration Room™ | "Mapping inspiration for creative minds Worldwide" | Home. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

Nike | Write The Future | Wieden+Kennedy. (n.d.).Wieden+Kennedy | Full Service Integrated Advertising Agency. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

The "unlisted" YouTube video is closing in on 1 million views already - ‘Leaked’ Nike World Cup Ad Goes Viral Before It Even Launches - Softpedia. (n.d.). Latest News - Softpedia. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

Nike, Inc. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved May 27, 2010, from,_I

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bluetooth Marketing

I decided to write a post about this, since i spotted one in the middle of Christchurch.
Walking home from work i passed a bus stop with a poster in the window saying "free music"
underneath it had big Bluetooth logo. This sparked my interest so i decided to cross the road and investigate.
You might think: "Why is this design related??". Well first of, it grabbed my attention straight away, i am very interested in technology and its use of it so because of
that and out of pure curiosity it made me cross the road to look at the advertisement on a bus stop.

Here are a few pictures i took:

This particular Ad Shel is promoting the launch of Fly Buys Music (i think its a new service, I've never heard about it) where you can download music with your Fly Buys points. The ad in the picture about is celebrating NZ Music month by giving away free music, 3 different artist are showcased and all 3 of them are made available at different dates, so thereby inviting the consumer to walk past again at a later date and download more music. A great way to refresh the memory: Visit FLYBUYMUSIC.CO.NZ!
Here's a little YouTube clip showing how it all works.


Fly Buys Music. (n.d.). Fly Buys Music. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

YouTube - Bluber - The new age of mobile marketing systems . (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved May 30, 2010, from