Thursday, May 27, 2010

Take your relationship a step backwards

I found this funny ad campaign for Tzabar while browsing ads of the world, it's a grueling image
of the couple no couples want to be (if you know what i mean).
Have a look:

This campaign features some common scenarios in which a lot of people find them selve at one stage during their relationship.
This campaign relies on people recognizing themselves and being able to admit that; "yeah thats us" to sell their product which are "romantic getaways"

After years together couples might find themselves getting... well too comfortable with each other and find that they're doing things that shouldn't be done in front of your partner.
I like the way the photos have been composed using bland colors to display a dull relationship that has lost its spark sometime ago. Every picture also focuses on both parties doing something different, not engaging with each other; as if the other person wasn't there.
The text bubble advertising the "romantic getaways" i find is just a bit to small and loses its presents in the photographs, i'm guessing they're relying on viewers curiosity to take a closer look which worked for me. But what do you think, would you get angry, upset and even repulsed if you saw the ad and you realized you where one of those people?

The ad is created by an Israeli agency ACW Grey who also have a pretty slick website, you should check out their client page it's very nicely done in flash. Have a look here.
Executive Creative Director: Yonatan Stirin
Creative Director: Shani Gershi
Copywriters: Inbal Barak, Shani Gershi
Art Director: Shani Gershi
Account Manager: Dani Brande
Account Superviser: Sarit Sternhell
Agency Producers: Chaguy Eshel, Nurit Rimon
Photographer: Yaron Yitzhakov


Amorous Nose-Picking - Tzabar Travel Agency Print Campaign Wants to Bring Back the Romance (GALLERY). (n.d.).TREND HUNTER - #1 in Trends - Fashion Trends, Technology, Style, Design, Pop Culture and Marketing. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from

GREY Group. (n.d.). GREY Group. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from

Tzabar Travel Agency: Bath | Ads of the World. Ads of the World | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from

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