Sunday, May 30, 2010

Endangered Potatoes

Surfing the web looking for something interesting to blog about; i stumbled upon this beautifull well designed and clever ad:

I think this is a very well crafted ad about a serious subject yet entertaining and funny.
The ad itselve is about and against a new law lobbied into existence by major Co-ops in Canada forcing small local farmers out of business.
The idea of having an endangered species illustrated onto a simple potatoe sends a powerfull message of which the viewer can grasp the concept emidiatly.
Reading into the story a bit more it almost feels like this is "guerilla" advertising; battling the giant corporations put in power by money and greed. I love the concept and the way the typography is set. The use of a more organic feel to the whole piece ads to idea of supporting local produce some of it being free range and organic, it could picture a table cloth on one of the stalls at the farmers market used to showcase their produce. I also have to admit that even the emboss on the type works very well with the organic feel of the background. The simple color sceme also really ads to the impact for the main illustration and still manges to bring out the text. The ads where designed by Chuck Phillips from Cocoon.


" The Potato Coaltion of Manitoba." The Potato Coaltion of Manitoba. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Crampton, Eric. "Offsetting Behaviour: Manitoba potatoes - again! [updated 2]." Offsetting Behaviour. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"The Potato Coalition Of Manitoba: Panda | Ads of the World." Ads of the World | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .


  1. I like this idea, like you said, it's entertaining and funny.

    Real creative use of the potato peeling away to create the animal.

  2. I love the fact that all of the local farmers are rallying together and come up with something so graphically amazing, it shows that they can fight the big corporations and win or at least big competition.
