Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bluetooth Marketing

I decided to write a post about this, since i spotted one in the middle of Christchurch.
Walking home from work i passed a bus stop with a poster in the window saying "free music"
underneath it had big Bluetooth logo. This sparked my interest so i decided to cross the road and investigate.
You might think: "Why is this design related??". Well first of, it grabbed my attention straight away, i am very interested in technology and its use of it so because of
that and out of pure curiosity it made me cross the road to look at the advertisement on a bus stop.

Here are a few pictures i took:

This particular Ad Shel is promoting the launch of Fly Buys Music (i think its a new service, I've never heard about it) where you can download music with your Fly Buys points. The ad in the picture about is celebrating NZ Music month by giving away free music, 3 different artist are showcased and all 3 of them are made available at different dates, so thereby inviting the consumer to walk past again at a later date and download more music. A great way to refresh the memory: Visit FLYBUYMUSIC.CO.NZ!
Here's a little YouTube clip showing how it all works.


Fly Buys Music. (n.d.). Fly Buys Music. Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

YouTube - Bluber - The new age of mobile marketing systems . (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved May 30, 2010, from

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