Friday, May 28, 2010

The lost sock...

I felt like i had to do a post about this great advertising campaign by Fisher and Paykel and Colenso BBDO (who we've talked about in an earlier post on the fresh up ad)
You might have been aware that this campaign has been going for a while now with a huge array of different types of media outlets. The whole thing started on your tv, and than moved to the web targeting Facebook users and a website just for the ad where user could get a free pair of sock. One had to take a picture of their sock of which one was missing, it then when trough a "sock search engine" of course bringing up no result, giving an apology to the user and offering a free pair of socks on the house. Brilliant; don't you think?
Have a look at the lost sock website here and maybe even reclaim your lost pair... it's seriously cool and well done, just look at the flash intro which features a washing machine spinning around while you wait for the site to load.

The ad is more than just a cool TVC; it's reinsuring new zealanders that they are to be trusted, and are the top brand to buy. When you watch the TVC the old scientist runs you trough the history of Fisher and Paykel (very briefly that is) making an emotional connecting with the viewer (New Zealanders are suckers for everything KIWI). I believe this ad comes at a good time when the company is making huge losses, moved most of their production to China, and started to lose the audience trust.
The brands damage among the Kiwi public is inevitable but i believe this is probably their way of trying to redeem themselves...
Here's the TVC:

Agency: Colenso BBDO
Production Company: Automatic Films
Director : Mike Oldershaw
Aaron Turk (Digital creative)
Nick Worthington (Executive Creative Director)
Josh Lancaster (Art Director)
Jamie Hitchcock (Copywriter)
Johnny Blick (Producer)
Rob Marsh (DoP)
Nigel Sutton (Agency Producer)
Digipost (Post production)
Tim Mauger (Editor)
Phila Lagaluga (Designer)
Liquid Studios (Music + Sound Production)
Scott Coldham (Senior Account Director)
Sally Willis (Account manager)


3 news. "" N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Nz Herald. "Fisher & Paykel move 'damages iconic brand' - National - NZ Herald News." NZ Herald: New Zealand's Latest News, Business, Sport, Weather, Travel, Technology, Entertainment, Politics, Finance, Health, Environment and Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"ColensoBBDO." ColensoBBDO. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2010.

"Creative Living - Fisher & Paykel Appliances." Creative Living - Fisher & Paykel Appliances. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Fisher & Paykel - Lost My Sock." Fisher & Paykel - Lost My Sock. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

"Fisher & Paykel - Lost Socks - (2010) :30 commercials |" | all the adnews not fit to print. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2010. .

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